Category: Photos

Rare day out

Honestly, it’s near impossible to get this child to find some free time to spend with us. And then to get her to pose for a photo! Miracle of miracles.

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Catching the rays

It’s hardly winter, but the air is getting crispier and cooler, and so Lisa looks for any ray of sunlight …and then hogs it. I’m just here to take the

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Another notebook

Maybe one day I will have enough notebooks, but to day is not the day. Isn’t this one gorgeous? It also has a glossy finish, which makes it even better.

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Friday night, no kids

Went for a fun dinner with five other adults, who all must have thought I was mad because I spent half the dinner telling them about all the Kate conspiracy

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In love with Ken

Let’s not kid…in love with Ryan Gosling. His Oscar “I’m just Ken” performance is my new “Tom Holland’s Umbrella”…in other words, every time it comes across my timeline I pause

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Fun in the sun

So apparently you can be a “too-cool-for-school” teenager, and still enjoy the bejezus out of a water slide and some liquid soap 🙂 Honestly, it’s good to see that kids

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It was Zac’s first time, and although he had a lot of fun I think it was probably also his last 🙂 “Pain not worth it”, he says. Maybe we’ll

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