I’ve started a newsletter

I will be the first one to say that there are too many newsletters in the world. My inbox is filled with emails, and I ignore most of them. Still, I am in love with the idea of writing directly to people who voluntarily signed up to receive my musings, and so … here we go: I’ve added another newsletter to the world.

I started off very, very slowly and very very quietly. I asked 10 friends if they wanted to be my guinea pigs (one said no! lol) and then I sent four weekly newsletters to see how it would go. Everyone was very encouraging about it, and so I committed to doing it for the long term. My goal with this is very modest…I just want it to keep growing. It’s not meant to pay my mortgage or put my kids through school, and I am also not writing it with the hope of becoming an “influencer”. I honestly just want to write (and maybe, with time, also have some video content).

It’s not just great to write it, it’s also great to watch it grow. My growth curve looks like this, which makes me look like a superstar, but in reality it started off such a low base that any growth would look good.

I am loath to set a subscriber target for myself, because I neither want to limit myself (maybe this could be huge?) or dismiss the fun I am having if it just stays very small and private. Still, need some sort of motivation, so maybe…1,000 subs by the end of the year? Is that crazy? Probably. And a weekly edition, with no excuses! So those are the goals. I’ll keep you posted.

I created a graphic to keep track of the goal. Each square is 10 subscribers. Visualising it like this makes me realise that I have a loooong way to go to get to that thousand 😂! Let’s see how long it takes me.

It’s nothing to scoff at!

But on a side note…40+ subscribers receiving and reading my newsletter every week might not sound like a lot, but it actually is! Can you imagine how difficult it would be for me to gather 40 people into a single room, and make them sit and listen to me talk for 15 minutes straight? Literally impossible. So I will not allow myself to minimize this. 40 is a great number, and I look forward to seeing it grow, at whatever pace it deems to do so.

If you want to subscribe, you can do so below. It’s a weekly mail of curated thoughts, links, opinions, photos, recipes, quotes, books, music and so on. All written by me, so if you enjoy the blog, you’ll enjoy the newsletter.

If you read it and you like it, please consider sharing with your friends or Whatsapp groups? There is a link at the bottom of the newsletter that makes it easy. Any little bit helps to get to the 1000.

And if you are already a subscriber, please know I am extremely grateful to you for giving up your time to let me ramble.

Eve Dmochowska, signature

I have a newsletter!
It lands in your inbox on Saturdays, and is filled with fun links, stories, book and movie recommendations, my wild thoughts, a bit of pop psychology, a bit of inspo lifestyle, and a whole lot of “so this is midlife!” kind of stuff :-)

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Join me in my musings and adventures as I live and love my second (and best!) chapter, together with my 2 kids and beloved dog! ❤️

Sneakers (2)

Rare day out

Honestly, it’s near impossible to get this child to find some free time to spend with us. And then to get her to pose for a photo! Miracle of miracles.

Catching the rays

It’s hardly winter, but the air is getting crispier and cooler, and so Lisa looks for any ray of sunlight …and then hogs it. I’m just here to take the photos!

A Mother’s Day treat

Took myself out for a custard slice and a whipped cream cappuccino. Kids were at home, so had some peace and quiet. A win-win!

Another notebook

Maybe one day I will have enough notebooks, but to day is not the day. Isn’t this one gorgeous? It also has a glossy finish, which makes it even better. And its a blank. Perfection!