A boring #lockdown update

I’ll give today a 7/10? That seems fair.

1. Projects X, Y and Z

Project X is almost ready to go live. And has been for the past week, so that should give you a clue about the frustrations that lockdown can bring. But, we have prevailed, and if all goes well, fingers crossed, I’ll launch it tomorrow, errors and all. It is very much a MVP, but equally good enough to “fuck it, just ship it”, so I’ll iron out the (many) kinks in the first week, while it’s live. I have no qualms about doing that.

As soon as Project X goes live, I am going to be ridiculously busy putting 3 more sites out. And these sites/projects are MASSIVE. And since they are very much revenue-generating projects, they need to launch asap. I am looking forward to both scoping and launching them. It will be a fun May.

2. We went shopping…

… for a sharpener (yes, really) and plants. I walked into Archeneer’s (a stationery lovers paradise) and saw the most amazing and gorgeous blank books that I did not buy. I have enough! I just bought one last week (and have already scribbled in it so as to “break” it as quickly as possible). But those hard cover notebooks are on my mind (of course) and I will have to go back to buy them (of course). But (as usual) they will be a reward for some good work. Maybe when Project X launches?

Anyway, the kids were happy to get out the house, and we followed up Archeneers with a visit to the local nursery. It has been opened for maybe 4 days since lockdown began, and it was so dismal and sad. I could really feel the havoc that the lockdown has brought onto some businesses. It is clear that the plants were not properly looked after, and that the nursery lost a lot of good stock. They had signs all over the place apologising for the poor state of affairs. I wanted to buy an Azalea, but left without buying anything at all. Maybe I will try again in a week or so. I must say, it was very disappointing…nurseries was the one shop I really missed during Level 5 shutdown, because I really wanted to put some of that free time and idle mind into planning and planting sections of the garden. Still, plenty of time left to do that.

3. Watched some TV

Some of Season 3 of Good Place, the rest of Season 2 of After Life. Got all depressed at the latter, and actually shed a few tears (that’s not a spoiler into anything other than my state of mind at 11pm). Hopefully I will write more on the After Life series in a separate post.

4. A bit a bleh day, to be honest

Overall, it has been a bit of a rollercoaster of a day (as are most days, to be honest). I feel positive about some of the work progress and ideas that I am generating, but feel negative at the pace of work, and low energy levels. I have no idea what the next 6 months will bring, I have no idea where I will be (or will be able to be) 6 months from now, and I am very worried about government decisions that seem to now be more political than economic. Very worrying indeed.

I have made a lot of notes of some ideas and thoughts I want to expand into longer posts, so I am excited that I possibly have successfully resurrected this blog. Let’s see what I come up with tomorrow. (It actually is tomorrow, so I better sign off and cheat the date on the CMS 🙂 )

Photo by Jasmin Schreiber on Unsplash


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Join me in my musings and adventures as I live and love my second (and best!) chapter, together with my 2 kids and beloved dog! ❤️

Sneakers (2)

Rare day out

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A Mother’s Day treat

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Another notebook

Maybe one day I will have enough notebooks, but to day is not the day. Isn’t this one gorgeous? It also has a glossy finish, which makes it even better. And its a blank. Perfection!