Review of 2024

Yes, I know it’s February, and most people review their year in first weeks of January, but that has never really worked for me. I need the year to end properly, then I need to decompress, and then I need to reflect. That takes time, so February seems apt.

And as I sit here in February 2025, the first thing I think of when I think of 2024 is my Kruger trip. I think I gave some background to this in another post, but when G asked me to join him and others on a Kruger hike, it was an invitation to a whole new life for me (he didn’t realise). Up to that point, I had been pretty inactive, weak, and feeling very sorry for my physical self. I still carried the remnants of my anemia, my Waldenstrom and my overall weakness. I hadn’t walked 10km ever, and definitely not in the African bush.

Nevertheless, I embraced the challenge, and had a massively successful hike. And now…I am fitter, happier and more active than I have ever been. I go on local hikes with friends, I get up at 5am on holiday to walk 5km on a beach, and I am even thinking of joining the gym. And so it is no hyperbole to say that that Kruger hike changed my life, and for the much better.

The Kruger hike had an indirect effect too…after the hike, G and I started to spend more time together, and the friendship developed into a relationship. Not easily! But it did. Not a conventional relationship either (we are both weary and careful, unsure of exactly what it is that we want (him more than me!)). But it is nevertheless a phenomenal relationship. It’s honest, and introspective, and exciting. I am having so much fun with him, and he is teaching me new things about myself every day (like…I can hike!). I’m very grateful for him, and very happy.

But there is more. Happy as I am with G, I am also happy with myself. 2024 is a year where I did a lot of self discovery, and a lot of dusting off the old me. It wasn’t really a year of much accomplishment, but I am ok with that. I have learnt and accepted, that you can’t cheat time. Things will happen at their own pace, and all in good time. I feel that 2024 secured me on an exciting path, which I shall happily walk in 2025. And probably only feel the real benefits in 2026. That’s fine. I live for the day, and squeeze as much joy out of each as I can.

Other 2024 things that I cherish/remember/note:

Nik. I maintained my long distance friendship with Nik. I am extremely grateful for this. I cherish him dearly, and am excited to see what the Universe has in store for us. I hope we stay in each others life for ever. In the meantime, we still watch a movie a week and our database of movies watched is at over 200 now, I think. (Note to self: update Notion with all titles watched!)

Sean. I also reconnected with my friend Sean. He was my first serious boyfriends many moons ago, and is now a dear friend. Also, like Nik, lives thousands of miles away from me. Thank goodness for the internet. We now have a regular monthly phonecall scheduled in our calendar, and it’s always a highlight for me.

Laura. I grew a strong friendship with Laura. It’s funny how life works, or does not work. In the same weekend as I was changing my life and hiking the Kruger, her life was being changed too, but in the opposite direction. She lost her 22 year old son, suddenly and unexpectedly. It was a horror for me, so you can imagine what she has been going through. I am honored to walk this journey with her as her friend, and cherish our weekly coffee and occasional hikes.

Micole. She graduated! She finished her degree – it was touch and go at so many moments – but she persevered and not only did she finish, but she also got accepted into an Honors program, which she is doing now. So very proud, and thrilled for her.

Zac. I’ve loved watching Zac grow up, both emotionally and literally. He is now taller than me! Zac did super well at school, and also started his YouTube career. His on his way to being monetised in 2025, which is his main goal.

Lisa. My pup brought me joy every day. Love that dog to bits. Unfortunately, 2024 was the year we lost our Aldo to old age. It’s heartbreaking.

Maria. Ended an intense friendship. Well, it wasn’t me who ended it, but I called her out on some shit, and she refused to budge, so that was that. I’ve sent many months reflecting on this relationship, what it meant to me, and how the break up affected me (it did, intensly). Was a massive learning curve about who I am, who I want to be and how I intend to get there. Maybe our paths will cross again.

Holiday. I went on my first holiday in 4 years! I went with G, it was magical. Very grateful.

My book. I started and did not finish writing my book. 2025 is the year for that. I am, on the one hand, very excited to be writing as a possible career, and also very sad that AI might make writers obsolete, or at least less relevant. This was my retirement plan, both for income and time, and now I think I might just be writing on this blog. Time will tell.

Newsletter. Speaking of writing, I started my newsletter, and kept writing it. This week will be 45th edition. During this time I have lost only one subscriber, but also have not actively grown it much. I am nw fine with that, and will keep it organic and small. (But subscribe if you haven’t! See below)

Good Food! I had some amazing food this year, in no small part due to G and him pushing me to try new things (Indian!) and spoiling me endlessly. Good food will never not make me happy. So grateful.

Thanks 2024, you were great. Now onwards and upwards to even greater things!

I have a newsletter!
It lands in your inbox on Saturdays, and is filled with fun links, stories, book and movie recommendations, my wild thoughts, a bit of pop psychology, a bit of inspo lifestyle, and a whole lot of “so this is midlife!” kind of stuff :-)

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